Stepper Motor Interfacing with LPC2148
Servo Motor Interfacing with LPC2148
DC motor interfacing with LPC2148
4x4 Keypad interfacing with LPC2148
Sim900A GSM Module Interfacing with ARM LPC2148
GPS Module Interfacing with ARM LPC2148
MPU6050 (Gyroscope + Accelerometer + Temperature) interfacing with LPC2148
HMC5883L triple axis magnetometer interfacing with LPC2148
DHT11 Sensor Interfacing with ARM LPC2148
ADXL335 accelerometer interfacing with LPC2148
LCD 16x2 custom character display using LPC2148
LCD 16x2 interfacing with LPC2148 (8-bit mode)
LCD 16x2 interfacing with LPC2148 (4-bit mode)
HTTP Client using SIM900A GPRS and LPC2148
TCP Client using SIM900A GPRS and LPC2148
HC-05 Bluetooth Module Interfacing with LPC2148
LPC2148 Reset/Stop Timer on Compare Match
LPC2148 Timer Input Capture Mode
LPC2148 Timer/Counter