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LCD custom character display using PIC18F4550
Introduction LCDs (Liquid Crystal Displays) are used for displaying status or parameters in embedded systems. LCD 16x2 is a 16 pin device...
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Interfacing LCD 16x2 in 4-bit mode with PIC18F4550
Introduction LCDs (Liquid Crystal Displays) are used for displaying status or parameters in embedded systems. LCD 16x2 is a 16 pin device...
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LCD16x2 interfacing with PIC18F4550
Introduction LCDs (Liquid Crystal Displays) are used for displaying status or parameters in embedded systems. LCD 16x2 is a 16 pin...
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MQTT Client using SIM900A GPRS and PIC18F4550
Introduction to MQTT SIM900 SIM900 enables GPRS for embedded applications. We can implement MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport)...
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HTTP Client using SIM900A GPRS and PIC18F4550
Introduction to HTTP SIM900 enables GPRS for Embedded applications. We can implement HTTP Client protocol using the SIM900 HTTP function...
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PIC18F4550 Interface with WiFi ESP8266 module
Overview of ESP8266 The ESP8266 module is low-cost standalone wireless transceiver that can be used for end-point IoT developments....
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TCP Client using SIM900A GPRS and PIC18F4550
Introduction SIM900 enables GPRS to embedded applications. We can implement TCP Client protocol using SIM900 TCP function AT Commands....
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XBee interface with PIC18F4550
Overview of Xbee XBee radios are based on IEEE 802.15.4 (technical standard which defines the operation of low-rate wireless personal...
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HC-05 Bluetooth Module Interfacing with PIC18F4550
Overview of Bluetooth HC-05 is a Bluetooth device used for wireless communication. It works on serial communication (USART). It is a...
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PIC18F4550 Sleep Mode
Introduction PIC18F4550 has a power-down mode to reduce power consumption when the microcontroller is idle. Most of the applications like...
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PIC18F4550 Watchdog Timer
Introduction to Watchdog Timer Watchdog Timer (WDT) can be helpful to automatically reset the system whenever a timeout occurs. A system...
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PIC18F4550 SPI
Introduction to SPI Communication Protocol Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is a synchronous serial data protocol generally used for...
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PIC18F4550 I2C
Introduction to I2C protocol I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) is a master-slave protocol that may have one master or many master and many...
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PIC18F4550 External Interrupt
Introduction Interrupts are the signals which alter the flow of an executing program by causing the microcontroller jumps to the...
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PIC18F4550 On-Chip EEPROM
Introduction to PIC EEPROM EEPROM stands for Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM) is a non-volatile data memory....
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PIC18F4550 PWM
Introduction Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a technique by which the width of a pulse is varied while keeping the frequency of the wave...
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PIC18F4550 Timer Compare Mode
Introduction PIC18F4550 has an inbuilt CCP module which has Capture, Compare, and PWM mode for various applications. CCP in Compare mode...
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PIC18F4550 Timer
Introduction Timers in microcontrollers are used for introducing delay, counting events, generating waveforms, and also for PWM...
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Introduction Several devices such as GPS, GSM, RFID, sensors, etc need to communicate with the PIC microcontroller for transmitting or...
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Introduction to PIC Microcontroller
PIC Microcontrollers PIC microcontrollers are manufactured by Microchip. They are available in 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit. 8-bit PIC...
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