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Stepper Motors Beginners Guide with Arduino Interfacing
Stepper Motor Basics Stepper Motor is a brushless DC Motor. Control signals are applied to stepper motor to rotate it in steps. Its speed...
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Servo Motor Basics, Working principle & interfacing with Arduino
Introduction Servo motor is an electrical device which can be used to rotate objects (like robotic arm) precisely. Servo motor consists...
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DC Motor Basics, Working Principle, & interfacing with Arduino
Introduction DC motor uses Direct Current (electrical energy) to produce mechanical movement i.e. rotational movement. When it converts...
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Complete Guide for Xbee Module & Arduino Interfacing
XBee radio family consist of various XBee RF modules. Each having different specification. Generally, XBee modules operate within ISM 2.4...
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Step-by-Step Guide to SIM900A Pinout, AT Commands & Working
Introduction SIM900A Modem can work with any GSM network operator SIM card just like a mobile phone with its own unique phone number....
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ESP8266 WiFi Module Beginners Guide with Arduino Interfacing
Introduction ESP8266 is Wi-Fi enabled system on chip (SoC) module developed by Espressif system. It is mostly used for development of IoT...
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Bluetooth Module HC-05 Pinout, AT Commands & Arduino Programming
Introduction It is used for many applications like wireless headset, game controllers, wireless mouse, wireless keyboard, and many more...
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SSD1306 128x32 OLED Display Complete Guide with Arduino Interfacing
Introduction OLED is Organic Light Emitting Diode that emits light in response to an electric current. OLED display works with no...
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7-Segment LED Displays Guide with Arduino Interfacing
Introduction 7-segment LED displays are formed by LED segments. It is basically used to display numerical values from 0 to 9. One more...
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Graphical LCD 128x64 Display Guide with Arduino Programming
Introduction Graphical LCD has 128x64 pixels. It has 128 columns and 64 row segments. It uses two display segment drivers. Since segment...
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Nokia5110 Graphical Display Guide with Arduino Programming
Introduction Nokia5110 is a graphical display with 48x84 resolution which can be used for displaying images, text and various patterns....
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Beginners Guide For LCD 16x2 Display
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is widely used in various electronics applications. It is commonly used in various systems to show different...
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MT8870 DTMF Decoder Complete Guide
Introduction DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency) signaling is used for telecommunication signaling over telephone line in the voice...
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Real-Time Clock RTC DS1307 Guide with Arduino Programming
Introduction Real Time Clock (RTC) is used to track the current time and date. It is generally used in computers, laptops, mobiles,...
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GPS Module Guide Working, Pinout, & Location Tracking using Arduino
Introduction GPS receivers are generally used in smartphones, fleet management system, military etc. for tracking or finding location....
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4x4 Keypad Module Guide with Arduino Interfacing
Introduction When we want to interface one key to the microcontroller then it needs one GPIO pin. But when we want to interface many keys...
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Analog Joystick Guide with Pinout & Arduino Interfacing
Introduction Joystick is an input device. Analog joystick is sometimes called as Control Stick. It is used to control the pointer...
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RFID Reader EM18 Guide with Arduino Interfacing
Overview of RFID Radio frequency Identification i.e. RFID is a wireless identification technology that uses radio waves to identify the...
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IR Communication Sensor Guide with Arduino Interfacing
Introduction IR light is like visible light but it is invisible to our eyes, because of which they are suitable in application of...
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MPU6050 Accelerometer and Gyroscope Sensor Guide with Arduino Programming
Introduction MPU6050 sensor module is complete 6-axis Motion Tracking Device. It combines 3-axis Gyroscope, 3-axis Accelerometer and...
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