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Thermistor Interfacing with Arduino UNO
Overview of Thermistor Thermistor is a variable resistance element, whose resistance varies with change in temperature. The change in...
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DS1307 RTC Module Interfacing with Arduino UNO
Overview of RTC Real Time Clock (RTC) is used for monitoring time and maintaining a calendar. In order to use an RTC, we need to first...
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DHT11 Sensor Interfacing with Arduino UNO
Overview of DHT11 DHT11 sensor measures and provides humidity and temperature values serially over a single wire. It can measure relative...
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MPU6050 Interfacing With Arduino UNO
Overview of MPU6050 Module MPU6050 sensor module is an integrated 6-axis Motion tracking device. It has a 3-axis Gyroscope, 3-axis...
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Magnetometer HMC5883L Interfacing With Arduino UNO
Overview of Magnetometer Magnetometer HMC5883L measures the direction and magnitude of the Earth’s magnetic field and hence is used for...
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ADXL335 Accelerometer Interfacing with Arduino Uno
Overview of Accelerometer Accelerometer is an electromechanical device that measures the force of acceleration due to gravity in g unit....
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OLED Graphic Display Interfacing With Arduino UNO
Overview of SSD1306 OLED Module The OLED module shown in the above image is a very popular module available in the market. There are many...
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Nokia5110 Graphical Display Interfacing With Arduino UNO
Overview of Nokia5110 Display Nokia5110 is a graphical display that can display text, images, and various patterns. It has a resolution...
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7-Segment Display Interfacing with Arduino UNO
Overview of 7-segment Display 7-segment displays are made up of 8 LED segments. They are used to display Numbers (0-9) and certain...
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LCD 16x2 Interfacing With Arduino Uno
Overview of LCD 16x2 LCDs (Liquid Crystal Displays) are used in embedded system applications for displaying various parameters and status...
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Basic functions related to Serial Communication in Arduino
Let’s see some basic functions related to serial communication that are frequently used in Arduino IDE. Arduino UART Functions a) ...
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Basics to Developing Bootloader for Arduino
Introduction Bootloader, is basically the initial piece of code which runs whenever any micro-controller is powered up or resets. It is...
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Arduino I2C
Introduction to I2C I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) is a serial bus interface connection protocol. It is also called a TWI (two wire...
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Watchdog Timer in Arduino
The Arduino UNO board has ATmega328P chip as its controlling unit. The ATmega328P has a Watchdog Timer which is a useful feature to help...
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