DC motor interfacing with PIC18F4550
Servo Motor Interfacing with PIC18F4550
Real Time Clock RTC DS1307 interfacing with PIC18F4550
GSM module Interfacing with PIC18F4550
GPS module Interfacing with PIC18F4550
4x4 Keypad interfacing with PIC18F4550
Analog Joystick interface with PIC18F4550
RFID Reader EM18 Interface with PIC18F4550
NTC Thermistor Interfacing with PIC18F4550
Thermocouple Interfacing with PIC18F4550
MPU6050 (Gyroscope + Accelerometer + Temperature) interface with PIC18F4550.
Accelerometer ADXL335 Interfacing with PIC18F4550
Magnetometer HMC5883L interfacing with PIC18F4550
Stepper Motor interfacing with 8051
Servo Motor Interfacing with 8051
DC motor interfacing with 8051
Access Raspberry Pi on Laptop using Wi-Fi
Ultrasonic Module HC-SR04 Interfacing with 8051
Pi Camera Module Interface with Raspberry Pi using Python
DHT11 Sensor Interfacing with 8051.