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ATmega16/32 ADC Registers

In AVR ADC, we need to understand four main register -

  • ADCH: Holds digital converted data higher byte
  • ADCL: Holds digital converted data lower byte
  • ADMUX: ADC Multiplexer selection register
  • ADCSRA: ADC Control and status register


ATmega 16

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  • Steps to Program ATmega16/32 ADC

    • Make the ADC channel pin as an input.
    • Set ADC enable bit in ADCSRA, select the conversion speed using ADPS2 : 0. For example, we will select devisor 128.
    • Select ADC reference voltage using REFS1: REFS0 in ADMUX register, for example, we will use AVcc as a reference voltage.
    • Select the ADC input channel using MUX4 : 0 in ADMUX, for example, we will use channel 0.
    • So our value in register ADCSRA = 0x87 and ADMUX = 0x40.
    • Start conversion by setting bit ADSC in ADCSRA. E.g.ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC);
    • Wait for conversion to complete by polling ADIF bit in ADCSRA register.
    • After the ADIF bit gone high, read ADCL and ADCH register to get digital output.
    • Notice that read ADCL before ADCH; otherwise result will not be valid.


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