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Touch reading

When we touch the touch plate then readings come in between the 0 to 20 range otherwise it shows between 50 to 100

In below output image shows the non-touch reading is 79 and when we touch it shows between 0 to 20


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  • Touch Pin with GPIO Pin details of ESP32 * Touch0 is T0 - GPIO 4 * Touch1 is T1 - GPIO 0 * Touch2 is T2 - GPIO 2 * Touch3 is T3 - GPIO 15 * Touch4 is T4 - GPIO 13 * Touch5 is T5 - GPIO 12 * Touch6 is T6 - GPIO 14 * Touch7 is T7 - GPIO 27 * Touch8 is T8 - GPIO 33 * Touch9 is T9 - GPIO 32 */ void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); /* Set the baudrate to 9600 */ delay(500);  /* wait for 0.5 Second */ } void loop() { Serial.println(touchRead(4));  /* get value of Touch 0 pin = GPIO 4 and print on serial monitor */ delay(1000);  /* wait for 1 Second */ }

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