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  • The MAX7219 is a serially interfaced 8-digit LED display driver. It can be used to control up to 64 individual LEDs, or eight 7-segment displays.
  • The MAX7219 provides a convenient and cost-effective way to interface common anode 7-segment displays with microcontrollers or other digital logic circuits.
  • The module uses SPI communication for interfacing with the microcontroller.
  • These modules are compact and require few pins and wires compared to using singular 7-segment displays in cascade.


MAX7219 7-Segment Display

Excluding Taxes
    • VCC: Connected to +3.3V
    • GND: Connected to the ground
    • DIN: This pin is used to input data into the MAX7219. Data is clocked into the MAX7219 on the rising edge of the serial clock signal.
    • CS: This pin is used to enable/disable the MAX7219. When it is LOW module is enabled and when the pin is HIGH the module is disabled.
    • CLK: This pin is used to provide the serial clock signal to the MAX7219.


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